This course is about looking at the many different types of improv games that exist and figuring out what makes them funny. We’ll also be taking a peak at handling yourself on stage and the benefits of becoming familiar with your team.
Some experience is necessary for this course. Either you’ve done a beginner’s improv course before (with anyone, not just us) or you’ve been casually doing improv for a little while (e.g. the Jam).
If you haven’t done any improv or acting before, consider the Level 1 Improv Comedy Course.
What is Short-form Improv
Short-form improv comedy centres around improv games and short scenes that are based on specific rules for the performers. An example of this is the “Questions” game, where performers perform a scene where every line of dialogue must be a question. A short-form scene generally lasts only a minute or two, and the characters and themes from each scene might not return after the scene ends.
What you’ll be doing in this Improv Course
This course will cover quite a few things. There will be a lot of time spent looking at different types of improv games, how they work and how to get the most funny out of them. And there are quite a few types of games:
- Guessing
- Scene
- Continuation/Collaborative (e.g. word at a time)
- Audience participation
- And more
What you’ll get out of the Course
A better understanding of how to play improv games in a way that gets the laughs. You’ll also be given tips on how to put on a good show.
There will also be the opportunity to find other performers that you may want to collaborate with.
Don’t just take our word for it: See Some Reviews
When and Where
Date & Time
Tue 8th Apr, 20256:00PM to 9:00PMDuration: 8 weeks, Tuesdays
Friends’ Meeting House
6 Mount Street
M2 5NSView on Google Maps »
Frequently Asked Questions
Do you encourage diversity?
100%. Improvisation is all about collaboration, and it gets better when there are plenty of different and unique points of view contributing to the group.
There's also a notable lack of diversity in our industry and we're doing what we can to change that.
I've never done acting or improvisation before. Can I join this course?
The L1 (Level 1) improv course is designed for those who have no experience of the stage. It's best you sign up for that one if you have no improv or acting experience.
The L1 course also works really well for those who have performing experience but none of it in improv comedy.
I already have improv or acting experience. Which course should I take?
Probably not the Level 1 course. It would be best to speak to us and we'll have a quick chat about your experience. There's a good chance we'll recommend you take a higher level course.
I can't make every session. Should I still sign up?
You should sign up if you think you'll be able to make at least 6 of the 8 sessions. Any fewer than that and you may find yourself falling behind.
Do I have to be funny and/or a fast thinker?
Nope. But that's kind of the point! It's a course that teaches you about some of the mechanics of comedy and thinking on your feet. If you want to be funny or be able to think a little quicker on your feet, you should definitely sign up to a course.
Will I have to perform on stage if I take this course?
There's no obligation to take to the stage at the end of a course; it's entirely optional. We do encourage, though, that you watch some shows to see how it all works (and also because they're hilarious). ImproQuo usually host live comedy shows that you can go and see.
Payment Terms
We can be flexible with payment and so if you’d rather not pay in full now, you can pay a deposit to lock in your place and pay the rest later. Payment must be completed before or at the first session of the course.
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